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     Our motto is "we make it!", beacuse we believe is the power of social enterprenuers as changemakers. We are a group of students from Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid with different majors. This university association is in the Social Sciencies and Humanities Faculti, and it's supported by the Enterprenuership Division and the Chair of Economic and Business Ethics. Between us you'll be able to find students of Psychology, Translation and Interpreting, International Relations, Philosophy, Theology, Social Work, Business Administration and Management, Law, Engineering and Postgraduates and Masters students


    The values behind social enterpreneurship are closely related to the Ignacian spirit of our University. In fact, the Superior General, Reverend Father Adolfo Nicolás, in a recent visit, told us that the lidership of the young should be placed in service of others. And this is the way we see social enterpreneurship, as a way of searching for social justice and common good.

The goals of this student association are: 


  • Raise awareness and understanding of social enterpreneurship as a way of acting in society and the economy.

  • Help students who have ideas or projects related to social enterpreneurship. 

  • Create value and share knowledge, through conferences, workshops and a contact network. 

  • Empower students so that, when they finish College they have the necessary skills to make a business work and raise social awareness. 

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